
Why You Shouldn’t Try To File Bankruptcy On Your Own

Because of all of the debts that you have, you might be thinking seriously about filing bankruptcy. Since you have been thinking about doing this, you might have started doing some research online, and you might have come across websites that provide information about filing bankruptcy on your own. The idea of filing bankruptcy on your own might be tempting; after all, you might be short on cash due to your debts and your overall financial situation, so you might be worried about legal fees. Read More 

What Is Asset Protection In Estate Planning?

For the vast majority of folks doing estate planning, a core goal is to see that significant assets are distributed to beneficiaries and preserved. That seems like a simple task. You can hire an estate planning attorney, draw up appropriate documents, and sign them. What protects those assets after they are transferred, though? Asset protection is an often-overlooked aspect of estate planning, but here are four ways you can address it. Read More 

How Loved Ones Should Work With The Personal Representative

After the death of a loved one, a personal representative may be appointed to help deal with the estate of the deceased. While this person is often a loved one, they may also just as well be a friend or business associate of the deceased. As such, it's important that loved ones understand the role of the personal representative and how to work with them. Here is what you need to know. Read More 

When Can You Sue For Being Exposed To Dangerous Toxic Materials?

You might have heard of lawsuits related to asbestos, black mold, and other dangerous toxic materials. If you are sick because you have been exposed to some type of toxic material yourself, then you might be wondering if it's possible for you to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. This might be possible with the help of a good attorney. These are some of the times when you might be able to file this type of lawsuit; of course, whether or not one of these options will work out for you will depend on your case, so if you think you might have a case, now is a good time to consult with an attorney. Read More 

Why You Should Exchange Emails With Your Personal Injury Attorney

If you have recently hired a personal injury attorney or are thinking about hiring one sometime soon, consider exchanging emails with your attorney in the weeks or months that they are handling your case. There is a good chance that your attorney or their team might have already asked for your email when you first hired the law firm to help with your personal injury case. If not, then you should consider sharing this information for the following reasons and more. Read More