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3 Things To Know About Statutes Of Limitations For Motorcycle Accidents

If you are considering seeking compensation for the motorcycle accident you were in, you should make sure you understand what the statute of limitations is so that you do not miss out on your claim. If you do not understand how these limitations work but were in an accident recently, here are the top three things you must understand. What is a statute of limitations? All states have something called statutes of limitations, which are simply rules that tell you how much time you have to seek compensation for injuries after an accident occurs. Read More 

When A Car Accident Has Hindered Your Transportation Options

Accidents can affect victims in almost too many ways to count. Once you give your injuries the attention they need, you might wonder how you'll get by without your car. You are entitled to more than what most people think of when it comes to wrecked cars, so read on to learn more. Transportation-Related Damages Most people give little thought to how dependent they are on their vehicles until they lose them. Read More 

Methods Of Lessening The Risk Of A Stolen Property Charge After Buying A Car Online

If you're not in favor of the many hassles and expenses of buying a used car from a dealership, you might seek to join countless others and buy your next vehicle from a private seller online. Most of the time, doing so is a smart choice, and provided that you can find the right vehicle to suit your needs, you'll end up content. However, there's a small chance that you could run into someone selling a stolen vehicle — and this could potentially leave you facing a future charge for possession of stolen property. Read More 

What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence

Domestic violence occurs too often. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), more than 10 million people are victims of physical domestic abuse every year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also states that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men are report being the victim of "severe physical violence" in an intimate relationship at some point in their lives. There are many legal issues that can arise from domestic violence, including the need for orders of protection, custodial arrangements for minor children, and divorce. Read More 

When Is It Time To Seek Legal Help For Your Worker’s Compensation Case?

If you have been hurt in any manner while performing any task for an employer, workers' compensation insurance should cover your medical expenses and lost wages. Every employer is required by law to have this insurance for their employees. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned, and you may find yourself not receiving the compensation you deserve. The minute you realize something is wrong, you should seek out local workers' compensation attorney services. Read More